Maggi • Kathollnig
RechtsanwaltsGmbH Studio LegaleWith us you are in good hands!
Let us be your support to achieve your appointed goals.
Why Maggi • Kathollnig:
The areas of specialisation of our law firm are as follows:
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Partner / Lawyers

Dr. Enrica Maggi

Mag. Stefan Kathollnig
Our infovideos
Doing Business in Israel – Interview with Adv. Joseph Weinrauch

Doing Business in Israel – Interview with Adv. Joseph Weinrauch
Dich interessiert das Thema „Doing Business in Israel“? Dann schau …

Il nuovo video dell’Avvocato Enrica Maggi sulle novita’ del diritto …

Norme Covid-19 in vigore in Austria da dicembre 2020
L´Avv. Enrica Maggi e la Dr.ssa Paola Strozzi illustrano le ultime …